by Tami Brehse | Business, Social Media
It’s been a long time coming. For years, if you wanted to track your analytics on Instagram, you had to use a third-party platform or app. Last month that all changed, and marketers everywhere threw up their hands in a little hallelujah when Instagram introduced...
by Tami Brehse | Business, Digital Marketing
Chances are, you’ve probably heard the buzzword “storytelling” in the context of marketing. I call it a buzzword because it seems like it’s suddenly become trendy to talk about, but the fact is that brands have been practicing storytelling since the very first...
by Tami Brehse | Business, Digital Marketing
I know a lot about marketing, but I have so much more to learn. In fact, that’s one of the things I love most about this field; it’s constantly changing, and the players that consistently learn and adapt are the ones who win out. But let’s be real:...
by Tami Brehse | Business, Social Media
For me, the most exciting thing about a new month is the chance to set a few new goals for my business and my clients. This month, I’m inviting you to set a goal for your brand or blog: be more engaging on Facebook. So many times our default move is to copy and paste...
by Tami Brehse | Digital Marketing, Social Media
What started out as a fun lunch-break distraction has transformed into a veritable visual powerhouse. Pinterest has a reported 100 million monthly active users who have tacked up some 50 billion pins across 100 billion boards. Are you using it to drive traffic to your...