by Tami Brehse | Blogging, Digital Marketing
If you run a website or blog, you’ve probably heard the advice that you should guest post to other websites and blogs to help get your name out there. It’s a strategy I recommend myself. And while contributing guest posts is a great way to gain traffic, land...
by Tami Brehse | Blogging, Business, Digital Marketing
There’s a common saying among marketers that your content strategy should be 20% content creation, 80% content promotion. Hold the phone. 80% of your time should be dedicated to promoting your content rather than creating it?! You heard right, and I can tell you from...
by Tami Brehse | Blogging, Business
If you’ve been producing content for any amount of time, you’ve probably hit a dry spell at some point. You’re out of fresh ideas. You’ve exhausted all your go-to topics. Everything you think of feels tired and boring. Nothing is calling your name screaming WRITE...
by Tami Brehse | Blogging, Social Media
Does your business have a blog? If the answer is no, spare me your excuses. I’ve heard them all before. I don’t have time to write blog posts. I can’t come up with that much to write about. I’m B2B. I don’t need a blog. I don’t see the value in it. My friend, I’m here...