by Tami Brehse | Business, Digital Marketing
Chances are, you’ve probably heard the buzzword “storytelling” in the context of marketing. I call it a buzzword because it seems like it’s suddenly become trendy to talk about, but the fact is that brands have been practicing storytelling since the very first...
by Tami Brehse | Business, Digital Marketing
I know a lot about marketing, but I have so much more to learn. In fact, that’s one of the things I love most about this field; it’s constantly changing, and the players that consistently learn and adapt are the ones who win out. But let’s be real:...
by Tami Brehse | Business, Social Media
For me, the most exciting thing about a new month is the chance to set a few new goals for my business and my clients. This month, I’m inviting you to set a goal for your brand or blog: be more engaging on Facebook. So many times our default move is to copy and paste...
by Tami Brehse | Blogging, Business, Digital Marketing
There’s a common saying among marketers that your content strategy should be 20% content creation, 80% content promotion. Hold the phone. 80% of your time should be dedicated to promoting your content rather than creating it?! You heard right, and I can tell you from...
by Tami Brehse | Business, Digital Marketing
When you’re a small business owner, one of the toughest decisions can be which marketing tools to invest in. There are literally thousands of options out there, especially when it comes to online marketing. Some are cheap, some are expensive. Some are trendy and it...
by Tami Brehse | Business, Digital Marketing
If you’re working on your brand’s marketing, you want a bigger following, plain and simple. More website visitors. More Facebook followers. More email subscribers. More! It’s only natural. But the other day, I had a conversation with a client that completely opened my...