by Tami Brehse | Business, Social Media
Ever seen the hashtag #nevernotworking? It’s used frequently on social media by always-connected business owners and entrepreneurs as a sort of badge of honor. I love it and hate it. I totally get the passion that comes from doing what you love and being plugged into...
by Tami Brehse | Business, Social Media
It’s been a long time coming. For years, if you wanted to track your analytics on Instagram, you had to use a third-party platform or app. Last month that all changed, and marketers everywhere threw up their hands in a little hallelujah when Instagram introduced...
by Tami Brehse | Business, Social Media
For me, the most exciting thing about a new month is the chance to set a few new goals for my business and my clients. This month, I’m inviting you to set a goal for your brand or blog: be more engaging on Facebook. So many times our default move is to copy and paste...
by Tami Brehse | Digital Marketing, Social Media
What started out as a fun lunch-break distraction has transformed into a veritable visual powerhouse. Pinterest has a reported 100 million monthly active users who have tacked up some 50 billion pins across 100 billion boards. Are you using it to drive traffic to your...
by Tami Brehse | Social Media
I’m about to go on a bit of a rant, so I apologize in advance for any unwelcome sass or snark. In the last two days, I’ve had two separate businesspeople tell me they’re giving up on social media because it’s “pointless” and “doesn’t work.” They told me they think...
by Tami Brehse | Social Media
If you feel like your brand’s Facebook engagement rate is at an all-time low, you’re not alone. It’s been widely documented that organic (unpaid) reach for Facebook pages has been falling, and then falling some more. It’s a business move on Facebook’s part, because...